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what can I do with my ipe?

IASP has created a flyer with information on what you can and can't do with your IPE.  What Can I Do With My IPE?

I have my IPE what are my next steps?

IASP has created a flyer with suggestions on next steps - Next Steps flyer

How do I obtain my 12-hour training?

Training must be provided by a health service professional in psychology or a psychiatrist in the identification and referral of mental and behavioral disorders. 

Regarding the 12-hour training, here is what is stated in the law (IC 20-28-12-3): An IPE candidate must "furnish satisfactory evidence to the department that the applicant has completed, in addition to the requirements in subdivision (5), at least twelve (12) hours training provided by a health service professional in psychology licensed under IC 25-33-1 or a psychiatrist licensed under IC 25-22.5 in the identification and referral of mental and behavioral disorders, and ...."

Does the training need to be IASP-sponsored?

No, there is no requirement that the training be sponsored or provided by IASP; however the association remains committed to ensuring that there are training opportunities available to assist school psychologists in meeting this requirement. 

Does the 12-hour training have to be conducted face-to-face?

The training can occur through various modalities (e.g., online, video/web conferencing, etc.).

Can the 12-hour training be taken out of state or by an out-of-state trainer?

Yes, the training can be taken out-of-state; however, the trainer must be licensed by the State of Indiana as either an HSPP psychologist or a Indiana-licensed psychiatrist. The IPE candidate is responsible for ensuring that the trainer meets the requirements specified in Indiana Code (IC 20-28-12-3) and that appropriate documentation of the trainer's qualifications/credentials is obtained and provided on the IPE application forms.

Does the 12-hour requirement need to be provided by one trainer or can it be a compilation of multiple trainings totaling 12 hours?

The scope of the training should comprehensively cover all mental and behavioral disorders and not be specific to any one disorder or diagnosis.

My license from DOE lists my IPE as Life or has a different expiration date. Which do I follow? 

You should always refer to the expiration date on your wallet card. That is the correct expiration date. If your wallet card states that you are expired then you should not be practicing. Practicing without an IPE may jeopardize your Department of Education School Psychology license and may put you at risk for ethical review and legal action. 

What is the cost to renew my IPE?

There is not cost to submit a renewal application. Simply, fill out the renewal application and submit to the IPE office along with your NCSP card or 75 hours of documentation.

My school plans to bill to Medicaid for counseling support. What is the reimbursement schedule and how do I make applications to Medicaid? 

Medicaid billings is different for every school. Please check with your school administrator.

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